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117 article(s) en réponse à la question : (calcite)
Collection(s) interrogée(s) : 2000 2001 .

Documents 51 à 100

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Titre de la Revue Titre de l'article
International journal of mineral processing
, Vol : 58 , Num : 1-4 , p. : 331 - 350
Effect of temperature on oleate adsorption at a calcite surface: an FT-NIR/IRS study and review.
Water research : (Oxford)
, Vol : 34 , Num : 17 , p. : 4151 - 4160
Tracing calcite precipitation with specific conductance in a hard water Alpine Lake (Lake Bourget).
Water research : (Oxford)
, Vol : 34 , Num : 3 , p. : 859 - 867
Mechanical resuspension of autochthonous calcite (Seekreide) failed to control internal phosphorus cycle in a eutrophic lake.
, Vol : 327 , Num : 1-2 , p. : 131 - 148
Determination of deviatoric stress tensors based on inversion of calcite twin data from experimentally deformed monophase samples. Part II. Axial andtriaxial stress experiments.
, Vol : 316 , Num : 3-4 , p. : 327 - 342
Microstructural and textural development of calcite marbles during polyphase deformation of Penninic units within the Tauern Window (Eastern Alps).
Sedimentary geology
, Vol : 131 , Num : 3-4 , p. : 201 - 219
Geochemical study of calcite veins in the silurian and devonian of the Barrandian Basin (Czech Republic) : evidence for widespread post-Variscan fluid flow in the central part of the Bohemian Massif.
Science : (Washington, D.C.)
, Vol : 290 , Num : 5494 , p. : 1134 - 1137
The role of Mg2+ as an impurity in calcite growth.
Science : (Washington, D.C.)
, Vol : 287 , Num : 5451 , p. : 269 - 272
Cenozoic deep-sea temperatures and global ice volumes from Mg/Ca in benthic foraminiferal calcite.
Russian journal of physical chemistry
, Vol : 74 , Num : 8 , p. : 1334 - 1338
Kinetics of gas evolution during the cleavage and grinding of calcite monocrystals.
Poultry science
, Vol : 79 , Num : 6 , p. : 901 - 907
The effect of avian uterine fluid on the growth behavior of calcite crystals.
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie Monatshefte
, Num : 11 , p. : 507 - 521
The13C/12C and18O/16O composition of recent and historical calcite cement and kinetics of CO2 absorption by calcium hydroxide.
Marine geology
, Vol : 169 , Num : 1-2 , p. : 185 - 205
Bulk calcite size fraction distribution and Sr/Ca composition for deep-seasediments at selected age horizons.
Marine biology : (Berlin)
, Vol : 137 , Num : 5-6 , p. : 801 - 809
On the potential use of magnesium and strontium concentrations as ecological indicators in the calcite skeleton of the red coral (Corallium rubrum).
Journal of materials science
, Vol : 35 , Num : 22 , p. : 5545 - 5551
The structure of sea urchin spines, large biogenic single crystals of calcite.
Journal of materials science
, Vol : 35 , Num : 13 , p. : 3337 - 3340
Crystallographic alignment of calcite prisms in the oblique prismatic layer of Mytilus edulis shell.
Journal of crystal growth
, Vol : 213 , Num : 3-4 , p. : 368 - 380
Calcite growth inhibition by copper(II). II. Effect of solution composition.
Journal of crystal growth
, Vol : 211 , Num : 1-4 , p. : 458 - 460
Hydrothermal growth and morphology of calcite single crystals.
Journal of crystal growth
, Vol : 211 , Num : 1-4 , p. : 143 - 148
Patterned crystallization of calcite in vivo and in vitro.
The Journal of chemical physics
2000 , Vol : 112 , Num : 9 , p. : 4326 - 4333
Modeling absorption and segregation of magnesium and cadmium ions to calcite surfaces: Introducing MgCO3 and CdCO3 potential models.
The Journal of biological chemistry : (Print)
, Vol : 275 , Num : 2 , p. : 1057 - 1064
Mechanism of calcite crystal growth inhibition by the N-terminal undecapeptide of lithostathine.
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta 2000 , Vol : 64 , Num : 17 , p. : 2965 - 2972 The effect of barium on calcite {1014} surfaces during growth.

Geochimica et cosmochimica acta
2000 , Vol : 64 , Num : 17 , p. : 2937 - 2950

An assessment of calcite crystal growth mechanisms based on crystal size distributions.
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta 2000 , Vol : 64 , Num : 14 , p. : 2417 - 2430 Mn and Zn incorporation into calcite as a function of chloride aqueous concentration.
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta
2000 , Vol : 64 , Num : 13 , p. : 2255 - 2266
Kinetics of calcite growth : Surface processes and relationships to macroscopic rate laws.
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta
2000 , Vol : 64 , Num : 9 , p. : 1551 - 1555
Seawater pH control on the boron isotopic composition of calcite : Evidence from inorganic calcite precipitation experiments.
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta 2000 , Vol : 64 , Num : 11 , p. : 1859 - 1872 Comparing oxygen isotope records of Silurian calcite and phosphate : d18O compositions of brachiopods and conodonts.
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta
2000 , Vol : 64 , Num : 6 , p. : 997 - 1011
High resolution distribution of trace elements in the calcite shell layer of modern Mytilus edulis : Environmental and biological controls.

eochimica et cosmochimica acta

2000 , Vol : 64 , Num : 7 , p. : 1221 - 1228

Surface speciation of calcite observed in situ by high-resolution X-ray reflectivity.
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta
2000 , Vol : 64 , Num : 8 , p. : 1391 - 1404
The radiocarbon age of calcite dissolving at the sea floor : Estimates from pore water data.
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta
, Vol : 64 , Num : 1 , p. : 61 - 72
Calcite crystal growth inhibition by humic substances with emphasis on hydrophobic acids from the Florida Everglades.
Environmental science & technology
, Vol : 34 , Num : 4 , p. : 638 - 644
Uranyl incorporation into calcite and aragonite : XAFS and luminescence studies.
Engineering geology
2000 , Vol : 58 , Num : 1 , p. : 35 - 52
Rock stress interpretations from Mt. Torigata (Japan) based on calcite strain gauge and differential strain curve analysis.
Contributions to mineralogy and petrology
, Vol : 139 , Num : 5 , p. : 584 - 606
Compositional zoning of calcite in a high-pressure metamorphic calc-schist: Clues to heterogeneous grain-scale fluid distribution during exhumation.
Chemical geology
, Vol : 169 , Num : 3-4 , p. : 449 - 460
Recent calcite soar in an aquifer waste plume : a possible example of contamination driven calcite precipitation.
Chemical geology
2000 , Vol : 166 , Num : 1-2 , p. : 173 - 182
Carbon isotopic equilibrium between calcite and graphite in Skallen Marbles, East Antarctica : evidence for the preservation of peak metamorphic temperatures.
Chemical geology
2000 , Vol : 163 , Num : 1-4 , p. : 129 - 138
Influence of Mg2+ on the kinetics of calcite precipitation and calcite crystal morphology.
Biophysical journal
, Vol : 79 , Num : 6 , p. : 3307 - 3312
Direct observation of the transition from calcite to aragonite growth as induced by abalone shell proteins.
The Biological bulletin : (Lancaster)
, Vol : 198 , Num : 1 , p. : 50 - 66
Nucleation and growth of calcite on native versus pyrolyzed oyster shell folia.
, Vol : 57 , Num : 485 , p. : 57 - 62
The role of quebracho and sodium silicate modifiers on the flotation of celestite and calcite with sodium dodecyl sulfonate.
Special paper - Geological Society of America
, Num : 346 , p. : 287 - 300
Sulfur, carbon, and oxygen isotope geochemistry of pyrite and calcite from veins and sediments sampled by borehole CCM-2, Creede caldera, Colorado.
Special paper - Geological Society of America
, Num : 346 , p. : 267 - 286
Isotopic studies of authigenic sulfides, silicates, and carbonates, and calcite and pyrite veinlets in the Creede Formation, San Juan Mountains, southwest Colorado.
Physical review B. Condensed matter and materials physics
2000 , Vol : 61 , Num : 7 , p. : 4877 - 4883
Local structure of Co2+ incorporated at the calcite surface : An x-ray standing wave and SEXAFS study.
, Vol : 4 , Num : 1 , p. : 61 - 67
Microbial diversity at 83³C in Calcite Springs, Yellowstone National Park : Another environment where the Aquificales and "Korarchaeota" coexist.
Doklady earth sciences
, Vol : 372 , p. : 650 - 653
Rhythmic zoning of cave calcite (Popcorn) from Hungary : Statistic characteristics.
Journal of sedimentary research
, Vol : 70 , Num : 5 , p. : 1183 - 1196
Calcite fabrics, growth mechanisms, and environments of formation in speleothems from the Italian Alps and Southwestern Ireland.
Journal of sedimentary research
, Vol : 70 , Num : 5 , p. : 1179 - 1182
Calcite moonmilk : Crystal morphology and environment of formation in caves in the Italian Alps.
Journal of sedimentary research
, Vol : 70 , Num : 3 , p. : 586 - 603
Trigonal dendritic calcite crystals forming from hot spring waters at Waikite, North Island, New Zealand.

Journal of sedimentary research
2000 , Vol : 70 , Num : 1 , p. : 217 - 226

Cathodoluminescence in calcite cements : New insights on Pb and Zn sensitizing, Mn activation, and Fe quenching at low trace-element concentrations.
Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems
, Vol : 57 , Num : 3 , p. : 271 - 277
Interaction of inositol phosphate with calcite.
European journal of soil science
, Vol : 51 , Num : 3 , p. : 511 - 516
Reactions of zinc with iron-oxide coated calcite surfaces at alkaline pH.

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