Titre de la Revue |
Titre de l'article |
International journal of mineral
2000 , Vol : 58 , Num : 1-4 , p. : 331 - 350 |
Effect of temperature on oleate adsorption
at a calcite surface: an FT-NIR/IRS study and review. |
Water research : (Oxford)
2000 , Vol : 34 , Num : 17 , p. : 4151 - 4160 |
Tracing calcite precipitation with
specific conductance in a hard water Alpine Lake (Lake Bourget).
Water research : (Oxford)
2000 , Vol : 34 , Num : 3 , p. : 859 - 867 |
Mechanical resuspension of autochthonous
calcite (Seekreide) failed to control internal phosphorus cycle in a
eutrophic lake. |
2000 , Vol : 327 , Num : 1-2 , p. : 131 - 148 |
Determination of deviatoric stress
tensors based on inversion of calcite twin data from experimentally
deformed monophase samples. Part II. Axial andtriaxial stress experiments. |
2000 , Vol : 316 , Num : 3-4 , p. : 327 - 342 |
Microstructural and textural development
of calcite marbles during polyphase deformation of Penninic units within
the Tauern Window (Eastern Alps). |
Sedimentary geology
2000 , Vol : 131 , Num : 3-4 , p. : 201 - 219 |
Geochemical study of calcite veins
in the silurian and devonian of the Barrandian Basin (Czech Republic)
: evidence for widespread post-Variscan fluid flow in the central part
of the Bohemian Massif.
Science : (Washington, D.C.)
2000 , Vol : 290 , Num : 5494 , p. : 1134 - 1137 |
The role of Mg2+ as an impurity in
calcite growth.
Science : (Washington, D.C.)
2000 , Vol : 287 , Num : 5451 , p. : 269 - 272 |
Cenozoic deep-sea temperatures and
global ice volumes from Mg/Ca in benthic foraminiferal calcite. |
Russian journal of physical chemistry
2000 , Vol : 74 , Num : 8 , p. : 1334 - 1338 |
Kinetics of gas evolution during the
cleavage and grinding of calcite monocrystals.
Poultry science
2000 , Vol : 79 , Num : 6 , p. : 901 - 907 |
The effect of avian uterine fluid
on the growth behavior of calcite crystals. |
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie
2000 , Num : 11 , p. : 507 - 521 |
The13C/12C and18O/16O composition
of recent and historical calcite cement and kinetics of CO2 absorption
by calcium hydroxide. |
Marine geology
2000 , Vol : 169 , Num : 1-2 , p. : 185 - 205 |
Bulk calcite size fraction distribution
and Sr/Ca composition for deep-seasediments at selected age horizons. |
Marine biology : (Berlin)
2000 , Vol : 137 , Num : 5-6 , p. : 801 - 809 |
On the potential use of magnesium
and strontium concentrations as ecological indicators in the calcite
skeleton of the red coral (Corallium rubrum). |
Journal of materials science
2000 , Vol : 35 , Num : 22 , p. : 5545 - 5551 |
The structure of sea urchin spines,
large biogenic single crystals of calcite. |
Journal of materials science
2000 , Vol : 35 , Num : 13 , p. : 3337 - 3340 |
Crystallographic alignment of calcite
prisms in the oblique prismatic layer of Mytilus edulis shell.
Journal of crystal growth
2000 , Vol : 213 , Num : 3-4 , p. : 368 - 380 |
Calcite growth inhibition by copper(II).
II. Effect of solution composition.
Journal of crystal growth
2000 , Vol : 211 , Num : 1-4 , p. : 458 - 460 |
Hydrothermal growth and morphology
of calcite single crystals.
Journal of crystal growth
2000 , Vol : 211 , Num : 1-4 , p. : 143 - 148 |
Patterned crystallization of calcite
in vivo and in vitro. |
The Journal of chemical physics
2000 , Vol : 112 , Num : 9 , p.
: 4326 - 4333 |
Modeling absorption and segregation
of magnesium and cadmium ions to calcite surfaces: Introducing MgCO3
and CdCO3 potential models. |
The Journal of biological chemistry
: (Print)
2000 , Vol : 275 , Num : 2 , p. : 1057 - 1064 |
Mechanism of calcite crystal growth
inhibition by the N-terminal undecapeptide of lithostathine.
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta
2000 , Vol : 64 , Num : 17 ,
p. : 2965 - 2972 |
The effect of barium on calcite {1014}
surfaces during growth. |
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta
2000 , Vol : 64 , Num
: 17 , p. : 2937 - 2950
An assessment of calcite crystal growth
mechanisms based on crystal size distributions. |
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta
2000 , Vol : 64 , Num : 14 ,
p. : 2417 - 2430 |
Mn and Zn incorporation into calcite
as a function of chloride aqueous concentration. |
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta
2000 , Vol : 64 , Num : 13 , p.
: 2255 - 2266 |
Kinetics of calcite growth : Surface
processes and relationships to macroscopic rate laws. |
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta
2000 , Vol : 64 , Num : 9 , p.
: 1551 - 1555 |
Seawater pH control on the boron isotopic
composition of calcite : Evidence from inorganic calcite precipitation
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta
2000 , Vol : 64 , Num : 11 ,
p. : 1859 - 1872 |
Comparing oxygen isotope records of
Silurian calcite and phosphate : d18O compositions of brachiopods and
conodonts. |
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta
2000 , Vol : 64 , Num : 6 , p.
: 997 - 1011 |
High resolution distribution of trace
elements in the calcite shell layer of modern Mytilus edulis : Environmental
and biological controls. |
eochimica et cosmochimica acta
2000 , Vol : 64 , Num : 7 ,
p. : 1221 - 1228
Surface speciation of calcite observed
in situ by high-resolution X-ray reflectivity. |
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta
2000 , Vol : 64 , Num : 8 , p.
: 1391 - 1404 |
The radiocarbon age of calcite dissolving
at the sea floor : Estimates from pore water data. |
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta
2000 , Vol : 64 , Num : 1 , p. : 61 - 72 |
Calcite crystal growth inhibition
by humic substances with emphasis on hydrophobic acids from the Florida
Everglades. |
Environmental science & technology
2000 , Vol : 34 , Num : 4 , p. : 638 - 644 |
Uranyl incorporation into calcite
and aragonite : XAFS and luminescence studies. |
Engineering geology
2000 , Vol : 58 , Num : 1 , p.
: 35 - 52 |
Rock stress interpretations from Mt.
Torigata (Japan) based on calcite strain gauge and differential strain
curve analysis. |
Contributions to mineralogy and
2000 , Vol : 139 , Num : 5 , p. : 584 - 606 |
Compositional zoning of calcite in
a high-pressure metamorphic calc-schist: Clues to heterogeneous grain-scale
fluid distribution during exhumation. |
Chemical geology
2000 , Vol : 169 , Num : 3-4 , p. : 449 - 460 |
Recent calcite soar in an aquifer
waste plume : a possible example of contamination driven calcite precipitation.
Chemical geology
2000 , Vol : 166 , Num : 1-2 ,
p. : 173 - 182 |
Carbon isotopic equilibrium between
calcite and graphite in Skallen Marbles, East Antarctica : evidence
for the preservation of peak metamorphic temperatures. |
Chemical geology
2000 , Vol : 163 , Num : 1-4 ,
p. : 129 - 138 |
Influence of Mg2+ on the kinetics
of calcite precipitation and calcite crystal morphology. |
Biophysical journal
2000 , Vol : 79 , Num : 6 , p. : 3307 - 3312 |
Direct observation of the transition
from calcite to aragonite growth as induced by abalone shell proteins. |
The Biological bulletin : (Lancaster)
2000 , Vol : 198 , Num : 1 , p. : 50 - 66 |
Nucleation and growth of calcite on
native versus pyrolyzed oyster shell folia. |
2000 , Vol : 57 , Num : 485 , p. : 57 - 62 |
The role of quebracho and sodium silicate
modifiers on the flotation of celestite and calcite with sodium dodecyl
sulfonate. |
Special paper - Geological Society
of America
2000 , Num : 346 , p. : 287 - 300 |
Sulfur, carbon, and oxygen isotope
geochemistry of pyrite and calcite from veins and sediments sampled
by borehole CCM-2, Creede caldera, Colorado. |
Special paper - Geological Society
of America
2000 , Num : 346 , p. : 267 - 286 |
Isotopic studies of authigenic sulfides,
silicates, and carbonates, and calcite and pyrite veinlets in the Creede
Formation, San Juan Mountains, southwest Colorado. |
Physical review B. Condensed matter
and materials physics
2000 , Vol : 61 , Num : 7 , p.
: 4877 - 4883 |
Local structure of Co2+ incorporated
at the calcite surface : An x-ray standing wave and SEXAFS study.
2000 , Vol : 4 , Num : 1 , p. : 61 - 67 |
Microbial diversity at 83³C in Calcite
Springs, Yellowstone National Park : Another environment where the Aquificales
and "Korarchaeota" coexist. |
Doklady earth sciences
2000 , Vol : 372 , p. : 650 - 653 |
Rhythmic zoning of cave calcite (Popcorn)
from Hungary : Statistic characteristics. |
Journal of sedimentary research
2000 , Vol : 70 , Num : 5 , p. : 1183 - 1196 |
Calcite fabrics, growth mechanisms,
and environments of formation in speleothems from the Italian Alps and
Southwestern Ireland. |
Journal of sedimentary research
2000 , Vol : 70 , Num : 5 , p. : 1179 - 1182 |
Calcite moonmilk : Crystal morphology
and environment of formation in caves in the Italian Alps. |
Journal of sedimentary research
2000 , Vol : 70 , Num : 3 , p. : 586 - 603 |
Trigonal dendritic calcite crystals
forming from hot spring waters at Waikite, North Island, New Zealand.
Journal of sedimentary research
2000 , Vol : 70 , Num
: 1 , p. : 217 - 226
Cathodoluminescence in calcite cements
: New insights on Pb and Zn sensitizing, Mn activation, and Fe quenching
at low trace-element concentrations. |
Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems
2000 , Vol : 57 , Num : 3 , p. : 271 - 277 |
Interaction of inositol phosphate
with calcite.
European journal of soil science
2000 , Vol : 51 , Num : 3 , p. : 511 - 516 |
Reactions of zinc with iron-oxide
coated calcite surfaces at alkaline pH. |