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117 article(s) en réponse à la question : (calcite)
Collection(s) interrogée(s) : 2000 2001 .

Documents 101 à 117

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Titre de la Revue Titre de l'article
Colloids and surfaces. A, Physicochemical and engineering aspects
2000 , Vol : 172 , Num : 1-3 , p. : 7 - 16
The effect of pressure on contact angles and wettability in the mica/water/n-decane system and the calcite + stearic acid/water/n-decane system.
Colloids and surfaces. A, Physicochemical and engineering aspects
2000 , Vol : 162 , Num : 1-3 , p. : 107 - 121
Molar mass selectivity in the adsorption of polyacrylates on calcite.
Progress in crystal growth and characterization of materials
2000 , Vol : 40 , Num : 1-4 , p. : 263 - 271
Pinacoidal growth and optical properties of calcite crystals.
Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program. Scientific results
2000 , Vol : 168 , p. : 137 - 148
Petrography and chemical compositions of secondary calcite and aragonite in Juan de Fuca Ridge basalts altered at low temperature.
Chemistry of materials
2000 , Vol : 12 , Num : 12 , p. : 3821 - 3829
4D-QSPR analysis and virtual screening of calcite growth inhibitor libraries.
European journal of mineralogy
2000 , Vol : 12 , Num : 2 , p. : 377 - 390
Unusual calcite stromatolites and pisoids from a landfill leachate collection system.
Geology : (Boulder)
2000 , Vol : 28 , Num : 10 , p. : 931 - 934
Unusual calcite stromatolites and pisoids from a landfill leachate collection system.
Geology : (Boulder)
2000 , Vol : 28 , Num : 10 , p. : 911 - 914
Reaction-enhanced permeability during decarbonation of calcite + quartz -> wollastonite + carbon dioxide.
Geology : (Boulder)
2000 , Vol : 28 , Num : 9 , p. : 795 - 798
Temporal benchmarks for modeling Phanerozoic flow of basinal brines and hydrocarbons in the southern Midcontinent based on radiometrically dated calcite.
Geology : (Boulder)
2000 , Vol : 28 , Num : 5 , p. : 463 - 466
Ca/Sr and87Sr/86Sr geochemistry of disseminated calcite in Himalayan silicate rocks from Nanga Parbat : Influence on river-water chemistry.
Journal of structural geology
2000 , Vol : 22 , Num : 11-12 , p. : 1789 - 1807
Evolution of a calcite marble shear zone complex on Thassos Island, Greece: microstructural and textural fabrics and their kinematic significance.
Journal of structural geology
2000 , Vol : 22 , Num : 7 , p. : 983 - 992
Calcite twinning strain constraints on the emplacement rate and kinematic pattern of the upper plate of the heart Mountain Detachment.
Journal of archaeological science
2000 , Vol : 27 , Num : 11 , p. : 981 - 985
FOCUS : Calcite crystals inside archaeological plant tissues.
Applied geochemistry
2000 , Vol : 15 , Num : 10 , p. : 1495 - 1504
Transient calcite fracture fillings in a welded tuff, Snowshoe Mountain, Colorado.
Applied geochemistry
, Vol : 15 , Num : 10 , p. : 1417 - 1437
Assessing the past thermal and chemical history of fluids in crystalline rock by combining fluid inclusion and isotopic investigations of fracture calcite.
Applied geochemistry
2000 , Vol : 15 , Num : 3 , p. : 327 - 335
The calcite/portlandite phase boundary : enhanced calcite solubility at high pH.
2000 , Vol : 16 , Num : 6 , p. : 2677 - 2688
Surface speciation models of calcite and dolomite/aqueous solution interfaces and their spectroscopic evaluation.

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