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37 article(s) en réponse à la question
: karst Collection(s) interrogée(s) : 2006 Documents 15 à 24 |
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Titre de la Revue | Titre de l'article |
Journal of hydrology Vol : 328 , Num : 1-2 , p. : 360 - 374 |
Nonlinear kernel functions for karst aquifers. |
Geophysical research letters Vol : 33 , Num : 16 |
Sinkhole structure imaging in covered Karst terrain. |
Environmental geology Vol : 50 , Num : 6 , p. : 911 - 918 |
Impact of land-use change on soil properties in a typical karst agricultural region of Southwest China : a case study of Xiaojiang watershed, Yunnan. |
Environmental geology Vol : 50 , Num : 3 , p. : 415 - 422 |
Karst groundwater management by defining protection zones based on regional geological structures and groundwater flow fields. |
Chemical geology Vol : 233 , Num : 1-2 , p. : 113 - 125 |
Reactive transport modeling and hydrothermal karst genesis : The example of the Rocabruna barite deposit (Eastern Pyrénées). |
Journal of applied geophysics Vol : 60 , Num : 1 , p. : 68 - 86 |
2D cross-borehole resistivity tomographies below foundations as a tool to design proper remedial actions in covered karst. |
Hydrobiologia Vol : 568 , p. : 499 - 505 |
Native and invasive vegetation of karst springs in Wisconsin's Driftless area. |
International review of hydrobiology Vol : 91 , Num : 3 , p. : 242 - 249 |
Tufa deposition in karst streams can enhance the food supply of the grazing caddisfly Melampophylax mucoreus (Limnephilidae). |
Applied geochemistry Vol : 21 , Num : 6 , p. : 887 - 903 |
Geochemistry of surface and ground water in Guiyang, China : Water/rock interaction and pollution in a karst hydrological system. |
Water resources Vol : 33 , Num : 4 , p. : 381 - 385 |
Identification of karst features in a zone of active water exchange in a river valleywith disturbed hydrogeological conditions. |
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Intro de la bibliographie Sommaire de Souterweb Retour INIST