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37 article(s) en réponse à la question
: karst Collection(s) interrogée(s) : 2006 Documents 25 à 37 |
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Titre de la Revue | Titre de l'article |
Ground water Vol : 44 , Num : 3 , p. : 352 - 361 |
Springflow hydrographs : Eogenetic vs. telogenetic karst. |
Environmental geology Vol : 49 , Num : 8 , p. : 1173 - 1179 |
Assessment of karst rocky desertification using the radial basis function network model and GIS technique : a case study of Guizhou Province, China. |
Journal of fish biology Vol : 68 , Num : 2 , p. : 414 - 429 |
Shape variation in surface and cave populations of the armoured catfishes Ancistrus (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from the São Domingos karst area, upper Tocantins River, Brazil. |
Environmental geology Vol : 49 , Num : 6 , p. : 865 - 874 |
The vulnerability of karst springs : a case study of the Hubelj spring (SW Slovenia). |
Environmental geology Vol : 49 , Num : 6 , p. : 828 - 839 |
Karst groundwater protection in the Kupa River catchment area and sustainable development. |
Advances in water resources Vol : 29 , Num : 3 , p. : 383 - 396 |
Identifying and characterizing solution conduits in karst aquifers through geospatial (GIS) analysis of porosity from borehole imagery : An example from the Biscayne aquifer, South Florida (USA). |
The Science of the total environment Vol : 357 , Num : 1-3 , p. : 54 - 73 |
Karst groundwater protection : First application of a Pan-European Approach to vulnerability, hazard and risk mapping in the Sierra de Líbar (Southern Spain). |
Advances in water resources Vol : 29 , Num : 1 , p. : 112 - 116 |
Manifestation and measurement of the fractal characteristics of karst hydrogeological formations. |
Geomorphology Vol : 73 , Num : 1-2 , p. : 78 - 100 |
An environmental model of fluvial tufas in the monsoonal tropics, Barkly karst, northern Australia. |
Environmental geology Vol : 49 , Num : 3 , p. : 449 - 457 |
Impact of karst water on coal mining in North China. |
Applied geochemistry Vol : 21 , Num : 1 , p. : 58 - 82 |
Atmospheric Pb-pollution by pre-medieval mining detected in the sediments of the brackish karst lake An Loch Mór, western Ireland. |
American midland naturalist Vol : 155 , Num : 1 , p. : 136 - 148 |
Seasonal use and selection of caves by plethodontid salamanders in a karst area of Arkansas. |
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Intro de la bibliographie Sommaire de Souterweb Retour INIST